Bankruptcy and General Practice

Injury Law

An Injury Lawyer Who Calls You Back

Accidents and Injuries 

Accidents happen, but many times, someone is to blame. In this country, our laws provide relief to the injured by way of the legal system, which intersects with the insurance industry in many ways. George C. Selby, Esq. is experienced with interacting with insurance company representatives for cases that can be resolved with a settlement, and with courts, for cases that cannot.  Injuries can start off as what seems like an insignificant ache or pain, but can quickly be discovered to be a serious injury that may require surgery to correct, which means that you lose time from work, and that you may be confined to your home for months at a time. Even if you are not the type of person to "point fingers," our system expects you to do so in order to get relief. We can, and will, fight for every penny you deserve.

There are many different ways someone can be injured, and that can be addressed through this legal process.

  • Car crashes include being hit by someone driving a vehicle, whether you were in a vehicle or not

  • Bicycle accidents, whether the injuries resulted from being hit by a bicyclist while walking or riding, or being hit by a motor vehicle while riding a bicycle

  • Construction mishaps, such as being injured on the job at a construction site due to a fall, or falling equipment, or fires, explosions, and construction equipment malfunctions

  • Dentist mistakes that result in harm or injury

  • Pedestrians hit by a car, such as while crossing the street

  • Slip and fall and trip and fall cases that result in injury

There is no downside to getting a free consultation about your injury. If we agree that moving forward with your case makes sense, then no legal fee would be due unless and until there is a money award or settlement. Whether it was a boating incident, burn injury, car crash, construction accident, medical malpractice, motorcycle accident, tractor trailer collision, or incident involving other types of bodily harm, it’s worth the time to contact us just to understand your rights.

The Process

If you have suffered through a car accident or other trauma, the clock is ticking. Besides the statute of limitations that may apply to your case, there is great importance in preserving the evidence in case of an eventual trial and in preparation for negotiations to settle. Upon retaining our firm, your case will be reviewed in depth to identify possible witnesses, documents, and recordings that will assist in prosecuting your claim. If needed, our firm will hire investigators, experts, and doctors to help prove your case. The evidence will be gathered as soon as possible, and you will be updated regularly.

The investigation into your situation will involve gathering information from the victim through interviews or depositions, when possible, as well as conducting research to determine who may be responsible for your pain and suffering. Through this and evidence including medical records, video recordings, maintenance logs, and police reports, a case is built to determine the liability (or responsibility) for the injuries.

Our system of insurance is designed to ensure that injured parties receive fair compensation, while protecting the responsible party from financial ruin. That responsible party may be a person such as the driver of a motor vehicle, a municipal employee like as a bus driver, or a the owner of a building; it can also be a legal entity like a corporation, local government, or limited liability company. We identify the parties who could be responsible for what happened to you, and demand documents including the name of any insurance carrier.

When there is an insurance policy in place, then it’s common for that company’s representatives to negotiate a settlement rather than take the matter to court. This is where having George Selby by your side is critical, because those negotiations will be based on the evidence that’s been discovered. George Selby will make sure that you receive the largest possible award that can be justified based on that evidence.

Your case file will be continually updated until a resolution can be reached.

Why A Small Firm Works Better For You

It is well known that personal injury is big business, but just because a law firm spends tens of thousands of dollars per month on advertising does not mean they can represent you more efficiently or get you a better result. In fact, many large firms will use assistants or paralegals, not lawyers, to work on some extremely important aspects of your case. Additionally, a big firm can assign an attorney to your case that you have never met, and expect that same attorney to handle dozens (if not hundreds) of cases at the same time.

When your law firm doesn't need to cover gigantic advertising costs and payroll each month, they can focus on their actual job, which is to resolve your case as best and as soon as possible. Many clients complain that their lawyer never calls them back, and this is another side effect of having dozens of cases on their desk that they may consider more likely to pay their overhead than your case. Our firm can promise that you will always be informed about your case and that your questions will be answered, so that you can focus on the other parts of your life.